Staffing - Interview an HR manager (pretend)

Question # 00840636 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/11/2023 06:02 AM Due on: 04/11/2023
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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 Interview an HR manager (pretend) and address the following questions  

  1. What are the organization’s external assessment goals? How are these goals used and evaluated?
  2. What methods does the organization use for assessing external candidates?
  3. What are the organization’s internal assessment goals? How are these goals used and evaluated?
  4. What methods does the organization use for assessing internal candidates? How are performance reviews conducted and used?
  5. Does the organization have a succession management and career development plans in place? If so, how is this implemented in the organization, and why is it important?
  6. When choosing and hiring candidates, who makes the final hiring decision? How are the hiring decisions determined?
  7. What legal factors must the organization consider when making hiring decisions?
  8. When a job offer is made to an external candidate, is the offer based on certain contingencies? If so, what are the contingencies?
  9. When job offers are made, are candidates able to negotiate the salary offer?
  10. How does the organization make job offers? Are rejection notifications sent to candidates that are not selected for the position?

Summarize what you learned in your interview. You do not have to list the questions but make each question clearly identifiable. Include a brief introductory section that gives a short overview of the company. You do not have to specifically name the organization but include a few details to give the reader some context. In addition, you should include a recommendations section; based on information received during this interview, what are some changes you would recommend for improving the processes in place at this organization?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00836096 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/11/2023 06:03 AM
    Puchased By: 2
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