Spanish / Changes
Question # 00790371
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Updated on: 01/20/2021 05:59 AM Due on: 02/01/2021

Imagine that you lived in the center of the city, but last month you bought a house on the outskirts of the city. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past or imperfect of the verbs in parentheses.
- Before I did not (know) any of my neighbors ( neighbors ).
- Yesterday (meeting) all the neighbors on my block at a party organized by a neighbor.
- Before, if my friends and I (wanted) to go out late at night, we would do it without worrying about safety.
- The other day, my friends did not (want) to come to see me because they were afraid to go home at night.
- A month ago, I (could not ) sleep because my street was noisy.
- Yesterday I finally (could) sleep like a baby.
- A month ago, I didn't (know) that my life was going to be so different.
- I recently (learned) that a friend had also left town.
