Shark Tank, Unicorn Hunters - Why is it a reasonable investment

Question # 00841681 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 05/15/2023 12:40 AM Due on: 05/15/2023
Subject Marketing Topic Marketing Tutorials:
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  • Shark Tank (Links to an external site.) - optional
  • Unicorn Hunters (Links to an external site.)- optional  
    • Please watch any shark tank videos (optional) or Unicorn Hunters episodes to get some insights into the nature of the final project. It is all about preparing a pitch deck presentation. You can present the technology of your choice to an investor or the management team of a company. It would be best if you defined your audience (either investor or a company) in the first slide of your presentation.
    •  Each group is required to develop a business case for an information technology innovation of their choice. In this assignment, the main objective is to explain the applications and features of a NEW technology to a business investor or a company and defend it using some criteria. The required criteria and items for the new technology presentation: 


  • Why is it a reasonable investment? For instance, is managerial revenue more than costs? 
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00837142 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 05/15/2023 12:41 AM
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    The solution of Shark Tank, Unicorn Hunters - Why is it a reasonable investment...
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