River County

Question # 00000755 Posted By: hobislah Updated on: 09/05/2013 11:12 PM Due on: 09/06/2013
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Analyze the following scenario: River County is planning several capital
acquisitions for the coming year. These include the purchase of two new garbage
trucks at $150,000 each, one new bulldozer at $240,000, three new riding lawn
mowers at $16,000 each, and construction of an activity center in the part for
$650,000. The expected lifetime of the various capital items is 10 years for
the garbage trucks, 8 years for the bulldozer, 5 years for the lawn mowers, and
40 years for the activity center. Prepare a capital budget for the items to be
acquired, showing their estimated lifetimes, and their per unit and total costs.

Clearly label the calculations for the required components of the capital
budget using Excel. Use formulas to show the interrelationships and format the
cells to insert a comma if there is more than three numbers and round to the
nearest whole number. Explain your budget to the county council.

Submit to your instructor your two-to-three page Word document (not including
the title and reference pages) and your Excel worksheet. Your paper should be
formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide,
and you must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00000619 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 09/06/2013 08:34 AM
    Puchased By: 3
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    The solution of River County and capital Budgeting...
    capital_budgeting_river_county.xlsx (9.47 KB)
    River_County_and_capital_Budgeting.doc (59 KB)
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    he...aw Rating thank you 08/19/2014

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