POST BUS523 2022 December Unit 3 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest
BUS523 Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making
Unit 3 Discussion
Unit 3.1 DB: Blog Update
Post in this Discussion your comments and observations about the Blog Assignment.
How are you progressing?
Issues you have experienced?
Solutions you have found, etc.
Unit 3.2 DB: Proforma Estimates
You have constructed a proforma balance sheet for your company. The proforma shows that you will need $1.2 million in funding. However, the proforma also shows that you have will have $1.1 million in cash and short-term securities. Your CFO then tells you that we need to begin discussions with the bank for some additional external funding – above the $100,000 level. Why does she make this assessment?
Solution: POST BUS523 2022 December Unit 3 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest