POLI330N 2022 January Week 3 Discussion Latest

Question # 00820106 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 02/26/2022 02:29 AM Due on: 02/26/2022
Subject Political Science Topic General Political Science Tutorials:
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POLI330N Political Science

Week 3 Discussion

Pros and Cons of Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Corporations

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chater 7, 8

Lesson: Read this Week's Lesson which is located in the Modules tab

Initial Post: minimum of 2 scholarly sources (must include your textbook for one of the sources). Follow-Up Post: minimum of 1 scholarly source for your Follow-Up Post.

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: What are the pros and cons of lobbyists as a tool for special interest groups? Should former members of Congress be allowed to become lobbyists? Explain your answer.

Option 2: Social movements can at times use disruptive behaviors. What are some of the possible benefits of disruptive behaviors in social movements? What are the drawbacks or possible negative consequences? What does the First Amendment state concerning citizens' right to use disruptive methods? Refer to examples from history as you frame your analysis. Explain your answer.

Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly source which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)

Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source) for your Initial Post, and 1 scholarly source for your Follow-Up Post.

APA format for in-text citations and list of references

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00815459 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 02/26/2022 02:32 AM
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