Nursing Week 7 Signature Assignment - Dysfunctional/Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Question # 00865462 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/24/2024 10:46 PM Due on: 12/25/2024
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Nursing Week 7 Signature Assignment

Signature Assignment: Scenario 2

Dysfunctional/Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (DUB/AUB)


A 29-year-old patient presents in the clinic with bleeding in between menses. The onset of menarche was age 14 and she has had regular monthly menses. For the past 2 months, she has been spotting between menses. She is not on any hormonal birth control, and she uses condoms occasionally to prevent pregnancy and STIs. She is currently with a new partner of 6 months, and she hasn’t been tested for STIs with this partner. She is in the clinic because she is concerned about why she has been spotting in between menses. She is considering possibly regulating her menses. Upon history taking and physical exam, you do not notice anything abnormal. You suspect this is a case of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Based on your working diagnosis, patient’s HPI, and your physical assessment, create a

and a 2- to 3-page write-up discussing the following information: Please answer this questions in a paragraph format

· Definition of DUB/AUB: What is this condition? Why is this important to address?

· Prevalence and risk factors

· DUB/AUB can be a risk of developing what types of health complications?

· Presentation

· Pathophysiology

· Physical assessment and testing to confirm diagnosis

· Provide at least one differential diagnosis and an exam and/or lab test to rule out this


· If a patient is hesitant about taking medication or intervening now, how long can she

continue to “watchfully observe” her situation before an intervention must occur?

· Treatment or management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding for a patient who is currently

not planning a pregnancy

· Treatment or management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding for a patient who is currently

planning a pregnancy

at least two scholarly sources that are not from your textbook nor any standard government or medical websites.

· Scholarly sources must be peer-reviewed articles.

· Do not write this paper in a SOAP format.

· The write up should  only be 2-3 pages long  This write up can be written as a formal paper. Information must be in complete sentences (not phrases). Include all aspects of the bullet points in your write up. This write up is about how you can compile information into a complete but concise document, very similar to a resource or protocol that you would have in clinic when looking up information about a certain diagnosis. Even though it states it does not need to be in paragraph form, I prefer it in paragraph form where you are using topic headers for each paragraph.  This write does not need to be in SOAP format.   





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  1. Tutorial # 00860981 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/24/2024 10:47 PM
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