Nurse Act - Review the American Association for Nurse Practitioners

Question # 00865150 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/18/2024 08:52 PM Due on: 12/19/2024
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Nurse Act

Review the American Association for Nurse Practitioners State Practice Environment Map (AANP) and determine your state's color — green, yellow, or red. Then review the Nurse Practice Act and Advanced Practice Act in your state to assist you in answering the questions listed below:

Determine your state's practice environment color — green, yellow, or red.

Discuss how your state is an independent practice or practice restricted state.

Describe the prescriptive authority for your state.

1. (For California students) Review the CA standardized procedures requirement of NPs and discuss the meaning of standardized procedures (California BRN — Standardized Procedures Guideline).

2. (For students in states other than California) Identify one barrier to practice and a strategy to address the removal of the identified barrier.

I reside in Florida so one barrier would need to be mentioned. Thankyou


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  1. Tutorial # 00860668 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/18/2024 08:52 PM
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