NURS8503 Week 6 Discussion - Speed Bumps and Pitfalls

NURS8503 Week 6 Discussion
Evidence Based Practice II
Discussion due December 30
Speed Bumps and Pitfalls
Even after all the planning, collaborating, and researching, no implementation is without speed bumps and pitfalls. Now that you have begun implementing your problem change, what speed bumps and pitfalls have you experienced? How are you managing and addressing these obstacles?
For this Discussion, consider the speed bumps and pitfalls you have encountered thus far, and explore how you have addressed and supported the continuation of your implementation through these obstacles. What have you done, as a nurse leader, to continue the implementation through these obstacles?
To Prepare
· Explore the Learning Resources concerning implementation.
· Identify the speed bumps and pitfalls you have experienced thus far in your implementation.
· Consider how you have supported your implementation through these obstacles.
· Assignment Rubric Details Close
Post a description of the speed bumps and pitfalls you have experienced thus far in your implementation. Explore what has happened and what you have done in response. How did you support your implementation through these obstacles, and what might have assisted you?

Solution: NURS8503 Week 6 Discussion - Speed Bumps and Pitfalls