NUR631 2023 January Week 8 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest

Question # 00836760 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 01/05/2023 11:20 PM Due on: 01/06/2023
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NUR631 Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Answer all of the following questions for your discussion response. Use the format displayed in the "Discussion Forum Sample."

Describe coronary artery disease. How does it develop? What is the pathophysiological basis of how the various risk factors can lead to this disorder?

Numerous hormones have an impact on cardiac function. List two to three of these hormones and address how they affect the heart or the cardiovascular system.

Diet and lifestyle play an important role in cardiovascular health. What is the impact of a poor diet and lifestyle on the cardiovascular system?

DQ2 Select three of the following questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the "Discussion Forum Sample."


C.H. presented to your office with the complaint of a "racing heartbeat." She is an overweight, 66-year-old African American female, who has been experiencing increasing shortness of breath during the past 4 months and marked swelling of the ankles and feet during the past 3 weeks. She feels very weak and tired most of the time and has recently been waking up in the middle of the night with severe breathing problems. She has been sleeping with several pillows to keep herself propped up. Five years ago, she suffered a transmural (i.e., through the entire thickness of the ventricular wall) anterior wall (i.e., left ventricle) myocardial infarction. She received two-vessel coronary artery bypass surgery 4.5 years ago for obstructions in the left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries. Her family history is positive for atherosclerosis as her father died from a heart attack and her mother had several CVAs. She had been a three-pack-per-day smoker for 30 years but quit smoking after her heart attack. She uses alcohol infrequently. She has a 9-year history of hypercholesterolemia. She is allergic to nuts, shellfish, strawberries, and hydralazine. Her medical history also includes diagnoses of osteoarthritis and gout. Her current medications include celecoxib, allopurinol, atorvastatin, and daily aspirin and clopidogrel.


Based on the limited amount of information provided above, do you suspect that this patient has developed heart failure based on the most recent guidelines? Explain your answer.

What are the most common causes of congestive heart failure (CHF) in an adult? Given the information in this case, which causes seems to be the most likely?

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  1. Tutorial # 00832209 Posted By: solutionshare7 Posted on: 01/05/2023 11:26 PM
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