NUR631 2023 January Week 2 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest

NUR631 Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Complete all of the following for your discussion response.
Immunity is necessary to prevent infectious diseases from spreading. Differentiate between passive-acquired and active-acquired immunity. Provide two examples of each type of immunity.
Immunoglobulins are necessary to protect the human physiology from diseases and pathological disorders. Explain the role of IgA, IgG, IgE, IgD, and IgM.
Stress is a component that affects the normal regulations of human physiology. Neuroendocrine regulation is important in this abnormality. How does increased catecholamine and cortisol affect the immune system?
DQ2 Answer both of the following discussion questions for your discussion response using the "Discussion Forum Sample."
Explain the differences between innate and adaptive immunity. Explain the differences between the primary and secondary line of defense. What factors interfere with these mechanisms? How are these levels of immunity affected in a child, an elderly person, or a person with a chronic disease?
Explain the complement system and the roles of macrophage, dendritic cells, mast cells, neutrophils, basophils, natural killer cells, T-cells (T-helper cells, cytotoxic T-cells, memory T-cells, and T-regulatory cells), and B-cells (antibodies and memory B-cells).

Solution: NUR631 2023 January Week 2 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest