NR540 2022 January Week 4 Assignment Latest

Question # 00816734 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 01/06/2022 04:47 AM Due on: 01/06/2022
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 4 Assignment  

Policy Analysis


Whether large or small in scope, health-related policies have the potential to significantly impact the health of the population.  As a result, health policy is an effective vehicle through which MSN-prepared nurses advocate for health equity and build a culture of health. 

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a health-related policy to determine the influencing factors, population health impact, feasibility, and economic considerations surrounding the policy.  Interprofessional and cross-sector implications will be examined, along with opportunities for advanced practice nurses to further advocate for population health through the policymaking process.

NR540 Week 4 Assignment Policy Analysis Guidelines and Rubric

Course Learning Outcomes 

Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:

CO 1: Analyze strategies for leadership and management of population health that optimize organizational and health-related outcomes. (PO 5)

CO 2: Distinguish opportunities to advocate for quality and health equity across complex systems. (POs 1, 2, and 5)

Assignment Overview

Identify one policy that is related to a specific population health issue or the health of a specific aggregate of people. The policy can be one that exists at the unit, organizational, community, state, national, or global level.

Review the CDC Policy Analysis Key Questions publication, and consider the influencing factors, public health impact, feasibility, and budget/economic impact of the selected policy.

Create a professional PowerPoint presentation to convey your analysis of the policy. The presentation should be 8 – 12 slides in length.

Include a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support the information presented.

Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations described below to present each of the following:


Policy Analysis

Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice


Assignment Instructions

Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

Create the scholarly presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Record your narration of the presentation using the “Record Narration” feature in PowerPoint.

Cite and reference sources within the presentation using guidelines from the APA Manual (current edition).

Slides must professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font size appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font utilized. Correct spelling and word usage should be evident on the slide, and if used, graphics and images should be professional and appropriate for the topic.

Narration of the presentation should be clear, logical and organized. Timing and flow of information should be appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented. A professional tone should be used, with limited use of filler words.

Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.

Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.

If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.

If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.

Direct quotes should not be used in this assignment.

Revision Process

If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section.  Please note the following guidelines:

After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.

In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.

Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.

Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.

Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.

Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:

Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.

Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.

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