NR540 2022 January Discussions Latest (Full)

Question # 00816732 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 01/06/2022 04:24 AM Due on: 01/06/2022
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 1 Discussion

Advanced Nursing Practice Leading and Managing Population Health

Consider the impact of advanced nursing practice in building a culture of health and advancing population health outcomes; respond to the following:

In your own words, describe a culture of health, how it contributes to health equity.

Explain the role of advanced nursing practice to lead and manage population health initiatives that foster health equity.

Identify one strategy to facilitate the leadership and management of population health initiatives, and provide your rationale.

Include an example (real or fictitious) to portray this strategy in action.

Population Health Threaded Discussion Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)

Threaded Discussion Instructional Video


NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 2 Discussion

Leadership and Management in Population Health Practice: Competencies and Conceptual Underpinnings

Review the competencies for population health professionals, and consider the leadership and management skills of the MSN-prepared nurse. Respond to the following:

Select one competency for population health professionals, and provide an example (real or fictitious) to portray the selected competency in action.

Describe how the selected competency facilitates effective leadership and management of population health initiatives.

Discuss how the selected competency supports outcome achievement in population health practice.


NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 3 Discussion

Collaboration Café

Relationship Building: Engaging Stakeholders, Healthcare Partners, and the Community

Consider your plans for the upcoming practicum, including a potential agency and target population.  Respond to the following:

Share a concise synopsis of your plans for population health practicum.

As you consider relationship building in practicum, describe the stakeholders, partners, and community members with whom you plan to engage, and why.

What are two specific strategies that you will you employ to engage with stakeholders?

How will your cross-sector and interprofessional collaboration promote a shared vision for population outcomes?


NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 4 Discussion

Collaboration Café

Advocacy and Policymaking

Based upon your plans for practicum, consider how policy may impact the health of your potential target population. Respond to the following:

How might your practicum experience include opportunities to advocate for population health?

Describe one health policy that exists, or is needed, within an organization or community to support the specific health needs of your target population. How does / would this policy reduce disparity and optimize health outcomes?

What factors influence this policy?

Explain two strategies that can be used by the advanced practice nurse to influence policymaking surrounding the needs of the target population, and provide your rationale.


NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 5 Discussion

Collaboration Café

Systems Leadership

Reflect upon your learning and your plans for the upcoming practicum.  Respond to the following:

In your own words, explain how “systems thinking” and “systems doing” can be used to promote health equity.

How does competency in systems leadership facilitate change management and disaster management?

Describe the complex systems with which you will engage in the upcoming practicum, and explain the interrelationships between those systems.

Prioritize one strategy to promote “systems thinking” and “systems doing” within the context of those systems, and provide your rationale.




NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 6 Discussion

Collaboration Café

Organizational Planning and Management

Reflect upon your learning and your plans for practicum.  Respond to the following:

Provide a brief overview of one proposed solution that might serve as a practicum project in the future.

Identify and explain three strategies for organizational planning, leadership, and management to assure quality and efficiency as you implement the proposed solution.

How will the management of information systems and fiscal resources be important for successful implementation of population health initiatives?


NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 7 Discussion

Collaboration Café

Professional Development

Reflect upon professional values and their influence on advanced nursing practice. Respond to the following:

Reflect upon the value of caring and recommend one strategy that the advanced practice nurse can employ to convey caring for others in population health practice. Include your rationale for the recommended strategy.

Recommend one strategy that the nurse can employ for self-care. Include your rationale for the recommended strategy.

In addition to caring, describe two of your professional values, and explain how they influence leadership and management in population-focused practice.

Explain how each of the two identified values are reflected in the competencies for population health professionals.


NR540 Leading and Managing Population Health

 Week 8 Discussion

Collaboration Café

Leadership and Management: Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice

Reflect upon your learning and respond to the following:

How do you perceive and define your purpose as an advanced practice nurse in population health?

Based upon your unique professional characteristics, experiences, and education, what competencies do you possess that support leadership and management in population health practice?

How can you leverage your position and influence in practicum to advocate for a culture of health?

How will your actions improve population outcomes?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00812002 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 01/06/2022 04:33 AM
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