NR501 2022 January Week 7 Discussion Latest

Question # 00820050 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 02/25/2022 11:06 PM Due on: 02/26/2022
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NR501 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice

Week 7 Discussion

Nursing Theory Applied to Evidence Based Practice

This week we are focusing on the application of nursing theories to evidence-based practice. This discussion can reflect on what you have been working on for your week 7 PowerPoint assignment due at the end of the week. For this discussion: Select an issue or concern related to nursing, then select a nursing theory or model that can be used as a framework to support the resolution of your identified issue/concern. In your initial response, address the following:

How the selected nursing theory or model is relevant to your specialty track

A brief description of the issue/concern

How the selected nursing theory or model can be used to guide the resolution of the issue/concern?

How does your philosophy of nursing connect to the application of theory to manage this situation?

Include an example from the literature or your own experience to illustrate your points. Remember to include at least one outside scholarly source.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00815402 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 02/25/2022 11:10 PM
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