NR500 2022 January Week 2 Assignment Latest

NR500 Foundational Concepts and Applications
Week 2 Assignment
Meet and Greet Survey
The purpose of this survey is to orient the student to the course and to the skills needed for scholarly inquiry and scholarship engagement.
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following:
identify scholarly and non-scholarly sources
state the participation requirements for collaboration cafes and scholarly discussions
identify where to locate assignment feedback in the gradebook
how to perform a library search for a scholarly peer-reviewed article, format the reference in APA current format and copy/paste the permalink
understand what to do when they receive a non-attendance email for missing 7 days of class
provide the correct password for proof of attendance to the webinar
Course Outcome
CO 4: Explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and health outcomes in various settings.
Requirements: It is recommended that you download the Meet and Greet Survey Worksheet (Links to an external site.) word document and attend the NR 500 Meet and Greet Live webinar or listen to the Recorded version of the Meet and Greet prior to completing this assignment. You will need to answer Questions 1-9, but you do not need a title page.

Solution: NR500 2022 January Week 2 Assignment Latest