Management Neel

Question # 00002573 Posted By: donanorman Updated on: 10/21/2013 04:31 PM Due on: 10/21/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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Research a top multinational company in the world including its international strategy over the last 10 years. Using your research, write a report explaining its strategy, including a discussion of the following questions:

800 - 1,000 words references, cities and APA format

1. What sort of international orientation does it have?

2. Do you think it is ethno-, poly-, or geocentric?

3. What were the decision factors for the locations it chose to expand in?

4. Did it have the core capabilities to succeed in those markets? Think about its objectives, how it chose its countries, what opportunities and constraints were apparent at the time, and what it needed to do to succeed in those markets.

5. Define what a value chain dispersal and integration strategy is, and then describe how the strategy is organized around it.

Objectives: Explain the challenges of managing a diverse, globally based workforce. Evaluate how various legal, political, economical, ethical, and culture systems affect business attitudes, norms, behaviors, practices, and philosophies. Analyze factors that influence an industry's potential for globalization. Evaluate various international, multinational and global strategic plans. Develop an international, multinational and global management plan.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00002407 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 10/22/2013 11:01 PM
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