In this activity, you will have the opportunity to prepare for an interview based
In this activity, you will have the opportunity to prepare for an interview based on a real job ad posting. To get your head in the game, read this short article in the BSC Virtual Library: 3 key questions to ask yourself before a job interview (Galda, 2015). It offers perspective from a hiring manager on the kinds of questions and answers you can expect.
Find a current job posting that interests you and one you feel you are qualified for on the web, newspaper, etc.
Research the company and its interview process. Research what kind of interview process this company uses. For example, in the job listing, they may have stated "pre-employment drug screening" or "aptitude testing conducted on all applicants." In addition, you should look for clues about the company's interview process. You can find this information in any of their job postings. Read several listings and note the common language. You might find that this company offers job shadowing, behavior-based questioning (Quintessential Careers, n.d.), or group interviews. This is great information to glean from your research.
Submit at minimum a 2 page, double-spaced summary detailing your expectations for a specific job interview that includes:
- Your company research
- Explain why you feel you are qualified for the job
- How you would prepare for the interview
- Five questions you would ask
Solution: In this activity, you will have the opportunity to prepare for an interview based