In 1994, Bill Clinton signed a bill into a law that would prohibit inmates

Question # 00785039 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 11/26/2020 11:35 AM Due on: 11/26/2020
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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In 1994, Bill Clinton signed a bill into a law that would prohibit inmates in state and federal prisons from being eligible for Pell Grants.  Today, the Obama administration is authorizing an experimental program to allow certain inmates to qualify for Pell Grants and attend college courses at specified colleges and universities. 

  • What are the pros associated with allowing inmates to be eligible to receive Pell Grants again?
  • What are the cons associated with allowing inmates to be eligible to receive Pell Grants againt?
  • Conclude your discussion with whether or not you support this experimental program.  Explain.

Post/Reply Requirements

Follow the guidelines listed on the syllabus and remember there is a rubric attached to this assignment.

 Make sure you use proper grammar and cite any resources utilized.

400 words minimum

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00784947 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 11/26/2020 11:36 AM
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    The solution of In 1994, Bill Clinton signed a bill into a law that would prohibit inmates...
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