HIEU 201 Liberty University Chapter 12 Quiz
HIEU 201 Liberty University Chapter 12 Quiz
1. Among the consequences of the Black Death were
2. In the Late Middle Ages
3. Peasant rebellions broke out when
4. Joan of Arc (1412–1431)
5.Unam Sanctam (1302)
6. In his The Defender of the Peace, Marsiglio of Padua
7. The Babylonian Captivity (1309–1377) refers to a period when
8. The Conciliar Movement
9.The Lollards were
10. William of Ockham's main purpose in writing that reason could not prove the existence of God was to
11. Feudal traditions
12. Feudalism contributed to the development of free political institutions because *
13. Which of the following statements concerning social unrest in the Late Middle Ages is true?
14.All of the following is true of the Late Middle Ages EXCEPT
15. The outcome of the conflicts between Boniface VIII and Philip IV of France
16. The Great Schism came to an end
17. Wycliffe and Hus
18. Duns Scotus (1265-1308) held that human reason*
19. Late medieval technology was influenced by Christianity in that
20. Which of the following events occurred last?
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HIEU 201 Liberty University Chapter 12 Quiz