FIN401 Unit 6 Discussion - Insurance Titans

Question # 00861188 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 09/27/2024 02:28 AM Due on: 09/27/2024
Subject Finance Topic Finance Tutorials:
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*Unit 6 DB: Insurance Titans - The State and Federal Dichotomy (FIN401 Insurance & Risk Management)

As you have read, insurance is predominately regulated by the various states. In fact, until recently, states held what could be called a regulatory monopoly on what insurers could and could not do within their respective borders. However, given the numerous deficiencies in the American healthcare system, Congress has begun to play a more active role in the area of health insurance.

  1. Should the federal government continue to play an active role to manage and regulate health insurance, or should states continue to individually regulate health insurers?
  2. Should the federal government expand its regulatory oversight powers to include other types of insurance sectors (e.g., property, commercial general liability, casualty, life insurance, etc….)?
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  1. Tutorial # 00856692 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 09/27/2024 02:29 AM
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