FIN401 Unit 4 Discussion - Covering the Least Amount

Question # 00861179 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 09/27/2024 01:03 AM Due on: 09/27/2024
Subject Finance Topic Finance Tutorials:
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*Unit 4 DB: Covering the Least Amount (FIN401 Insurance & Risk Management)

All states have a minimum required coverage amount for bodily and property damage due to an auto accident. These minimum limits are there to help the driver determine the least amount of coverage he or she is legally required to maintain. The minimum coverage for each state ranges from $10,000 to $50,000 in coverage. However, the amount of coverage a driver maintains should be sufficiently high enough to cover his or her liability resulting from an accident. 

  1. Should States continue to require a minimum level of liability coverage of personal auto insurance for drivers, or should the driver be allowed not to maintain insurance coverage?
  2. Determine the required minimum bodily injury and property damage coverage required for your respective State. Do you believe that your State coverage requirement is sufficient, or should your State require more (or less) minimum coverage for each driver?
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