Explaining This Bill And The Problem It's Trying To Solve.

Question # 00804061 Posted By: Ainsley Updated on: 04/26/2021 12:18 PM Due on: 05/12/2021
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Texas Legislature - H.B 21


Every August, Texas has a "tax free weekend." School supplies and school clothes can be purchased for a few days without the addition of Texas' 6 1/4 % sales tax - which, around Houston, is really 8 1/4% because of the additional penny for the City of Houston and the additional penny for METRO.

What about college textbooks? Have you priced them lately? Ours isn't too bad, but some of my students pay nearly $300 for some science and engineering books.


Representative Terry Canales (D-Edinburg) - (https://house.texas.gov/members/member-page/?district=40) wants to cut college textbook customers in on the action before each regular semester.


Go to the Texas Legislature's website, https://capitol.texas.gov/Home.aspx and look up House Bill 21. 


Hint: Make sure you use the little pull-down menu to select the current legislative session (86R-2019 - that's the 86th Regular session of the Texas Legislature) and just type HB21 in the search window.

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