ENG227 Week3 Routine Message

Question # 00056551 Posted By: mpdavis45 Updated on: 03/22/2015 12:05 PM Due on: 03/22/2015
Subject English Topic Creative Writing Tutorials:
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Routine Message
Objectives | Specific Content Guidelines for the Routine Message


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A large percentage of the writing we do in the workplace involves writing routine, neutral, and/ or goodwill messages. Routine and neutral messages cover a wide range of topics, from the ordinary (e.g., sending colleagues a reminder to attend a meeting) to the more detailed (e.g., updating a supervisor about a project).

In Week 3, Anne Brown, the division manager for E227 Global Solutions, is asking you to write an individual routine message, which will be formatted as a memo. In order to complete this assignment you must follow the steps below:

  1. Read the trucking supervisor's email.
  2. Read Anne Brown’s memo (available in Doc Sharing) and pay close attention to the questions asked at the bottom of the memo.
  3. Use the Week 3 Routine Planning Questions (in Doc Sharing) to assist you with preparing your routine message to Anne Brown.
  4. Follow the Specific Guidelines below when drafting your routine message to Anne Brown.
  5. This assignment is related to the Week 4 Collaborative Analytical Report (see Doc Sharing for details on the Week 4 Assignment) that you will be completing with your team next wee

Specific Content Guidelines for the Routine Message

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The written response will be formatted as a memo with headings/subheadings, bullets, tables, etc. in the body of the message for easy readability. The following items are to be included in the memo:

  • Paragraph briefly introducing the issue
  • Your analysis of how to best communicate with the Indonesian population
  • Team identity – members’ names and contact information (phone numbers and email addresses). Identify the team leader or project facilitator and documentation coordinator.
  • A list of all individual-specific tasks (not just the major deliverables) needed to complete the project, including due dates for each task, and personnel responsible. Present this information in table format.
  • Concluding paragraph

A Successful Message will include the following:

  • Accurate and thoughtful responses to each planning question.
  • Evidence the writer fully and firmly grasps the purpose/goals of the message.
  • Full and complete original text that reflects audience needs in relation to the message.
  • Proper use of formatting and style (e.g., bullets, headings, lists, etc.); message must be written in the proper document format.
  • An awareness and proper use of all ten writing conventions for professional writing (as appropriate) covered in Week 2.
  • Use of proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00052604 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 03/22/2015 01:59 PM
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    The solution of ENGL227 Week 3 Routine Message Required Audience Profile...
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