ECON203 Week 7 Discussion - Do unions engage in ethical behavior

Step 1: Go to the internet and find a news article posted within the last month that discusses labor union formation and activity, summarize key points, and post in the Discussions area.
Note that the goal of this discussion is to read, understand, and discuss recent news using microeconomic terminology. The article should be from an online newspaper or magazine. Materials posted on educational websites, such as The Balance , Khan Academy , and so on, are not considered news articles even if they were recently updated and contain material related to the discussion topic.
Step 2: In your initial response to the topic, you have to answer all questions:
· Do unions engage in ethical behavior? Explain.
· Historically, what factors precipitated the formation of unions? Explain.
· Do you expect union activity to increase or decrease globally? Explain.
Summarize key points of the article that you found in Step 2 of the discussion assignment.

Solution: ECON203 Week 7 Discussion - Do unions engage in ethical behavior