Week 3 Discussion - Because of rapid growth of your technology

Question # 00863714 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 11/21/2024 03:57 AM Due on: 11/21/2024
Subject Economics Topic General Economics Tutorials:
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Discussion 3 Resources

Because of rapid growth of your technology company, the executive team has asked HR to develop an internal training program. The purpose of the program is to help employees recently promoted to supervisory positions develop the leadership skills sets they need to be successful as supervisors. This will be the first formal training program for your small company. As part of the process, you want to consider the learning styles of the new supervisors. To help you develop a successful, results-oriented program, review various training websites, including www.agelesslearner.com 

Now, please discuss about this question: 

  1. What training techniques should be implemented to meet the needs of the varied learning styles and maximize the learning potential of the participants?
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00859229 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 11/21/2024 04:00 AM
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    The solution of Week 3 Discussion - Because of rapid growth of your technology...
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