Do some research on the voting methods used in other countries

Question # 00837103 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/13/2023 02:33 AM Due on: 01/13/2023
Subject Mathematics Topic General Mathematics Tutorials:
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 Do some research on the voting methods used in other countries.

Try to find information about the following:

  • How are votes cast?
  • How is the winner decided, what type of voting is used to decide the winner?
  • How many political parties are currently active in the country you selected?

For your discussion post, compare and contrast the voting method use in the country you selected and the U.S. Take a side on which one allows for political representation of the values of the public better. Use examples as much as possible, rather than opinions. Please remain respectful and collegial in your communications.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00832554 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/13/2023 02:36 AM
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