Discussion - How did this marketing agency implement product

Question # 00837689 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/23/2023 04:49 AM Due on: 01/23/2023
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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  1. How did this marketing agency implement product differentiation?
  2. How did this differentiation help create brand equity?
  3. Would this unique product positioning have also work in the United States? Why or why not? (No wrong answer to question #3 – this is your opinion.)
  4. Research to discover another example of unique positioning. What did the company/brand do to implement the unique positioning? How did their implementation work? What did they do well and what could they have done better? *Use citation(s)
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00833145 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/23/2023 04:49 AM
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