Discussion 5 - How do healthcare marketers select and communicate

Question # 00852413 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 03/27/2024 03:42 AM Due on: 03/27/2024
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Discussion 5

For this discussion, you will examine the healthcare consumer and consider how healthcare marketers select and target a particular market. You will also examine how healthcare marketers consider both internal and external stakeholders as they develop their marketing efforts. 


  1. How do healthcare marketers select and communicate to their target market?
  2. How do healthcare marketers consider internal stakeholders (employees, doctors, administration, etc.) in their marketing efforts?
  3. How do healthcare marketers consider external stakeholders (legislators, public health officials, etc.) in their marketing efforts?
  4. How will you consider internal and external stakeholders in your marketing and communication plan?
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00847893 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 03/27/2024 03:43 AM
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