Describe the application of labor laws due to court decisions

Question # 00771425 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 07/24/2020 06:06 AM Due on: 07/24/2020
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Describe the application of labor laws due to court decisions.
  • Describe negotiating techniques and how to overcome an impasse.


You are the HR Officer for Greer and Smith. Your HR Manager has asked that you prepare a graphical depiction of the hiring process so other persons in the HR department and hiring managers can use this document as a quick reference on the laws and guidelines related to hiring.

  • Create an infographic using (Links to an external site.), or a similar program depicting the hiring process.
  • You will need to cover the following information:
    • What employers should and should not do when recruiting.
    • The dos and don’ts of the job advertisement.
    • Legal guidance on conducting job interviews.
    • Guidance on conducting background checks and collecting references.


After you conduct the necessary research, create an infographic as follows:

  1. The infographic should be no more than 2 pages.
  2. Your infographic should flow logically, and should include text and graphics of key points.
  3. Text within the infographic should be readable.
  4. The infographic should be saved and uploaded as a jpg file.
  5. You must include a minimum of three scholarly and credible sources (not including the text book).


Assignment Resources

FindLaw. (2020). Hiring process. Retrieved from

Kolowick, L. (2019). How to create infographics in under an hour. Retrieved from

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00770865 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 07/24/2020 06:06 AM
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