Chapters 5 and 6 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
- Read Chapters 5 and 6 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice.
- Read Chapter 3 of Popular Economics, What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James can Teach you About Economics.
- Listen to Steve Forbes’ insights on this topic by viewing the video Can the Government Run the Economy?Links to an external site.
- Watch the Q&A with Steve ForbesLinks to an external site. video available in the window above.
- Research and review credible sources to gain an understanding of the pros and cons of government intervention.
The role of government in the economy is often debated by economists and business people. The debate ranges from having little to no government intervention to having a strong government presence in both business and social settings.
Thinking through the pros and cons of government intervention, research and identify two government agencies, departments, or regulations where the government is heavily involved in the economy that you agree is helpful and necessary. Then, research and identify two government agencies, departments, or regulations where the government is involved in the economy that you disagree with and believe the free market would be better. Be specific in your selected government agencies, departments, or regulations. It may be possible to use the same government agency, department, or regulation for both sides. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may have regulations or interventions that you both agree and disagree with. Since EPA is used here as an example, do not use it in your assignment.
For each selected example (four total),
- Assess the government intervention providing both the pros and cons.
- Discuss whether you agree with the government intervention providing facts and support for your opinion.
- Thoroughly explain and support your rationale.
- Critique the influence of the political process (for example, lobbying) on each of your examples.
The Role of Government and the Impact of Politics paper
- Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. resource.
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
- Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
- For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.
- Must use at least two credible sources in addition to the course text.
- The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
- Avoid over-dependence on direct quotes. Direct quotes are a great way to strengthen our assertions and provide support. However, be sure to avoid using excessive direct quotes in lieu of original thought. Direct quotes will not meet the requirement for analysis, application, and critical thinking. Please ensure to not overuse direct quote so that you can avoid losing points for this. Review the Integrating ResearchLinks to an external site. resource from the Writing Center for additional guidance.
- Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide.
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.
Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Solution: Chapters 5 and 6 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice