Company - Berkshire Hathaway, Outline the leadership style  

Question # 00841104 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/24/2023 11:14 PM Due on: 04/25/2023
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Company :: Berkshire Hathaway 

Your fourth milestone submission should address the following requirements:

1.  Outline the leadership style of at least three areas of your organization (three key leaders, leaders of three key divisions, the CEO, the board, the finance team, the operations team, etc. – it doesn’t matter what three you choose but you must outline at least three).

2.  Describe the leadership style of at least one of your company’s largest competitors.

3.  Assess your company’s leadership team as compared to other styles and the competition.

a.  Is the leadership style in use by your organization the most appropriate?

b.  Is the leadership style consistent within your company from one area to another?  Should it be? Why or why not?

c.  How does the leadership style of your organization compare to its competitor? Is one better than the other?  Why or why not?

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  1. Tutorial # 00836565 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/24/2023 11:16 PM
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