BUS1005 Assessment 3 - Impact of higher inflation rates
Assessment 3: Presentation
Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/Time provided: 10-15 minutes
Weighting: 20% equiv. to 1500 words
Unit Learning Outcomes: UL01, UL02, UL03, UL04, UL05, UL06
Assessment 3 Detail
Prepare for PowerPoint Slides based on the assessment requirements (No more than 15 slides). Individual presentation will be conducted in Week 11 and 12 based on the schedule allocated by Unit Lecturer. The slides are required to be submitted in the Canvas by Week 12.
Students are supposed to select one topic from the topic mentioned below. Kindly go through the rubric to understand the requirements of the presentation.
1. Impact of higher inflation rates on the current economy of Australia.
2. How Interest Rates Impact the Spending of a Consumer in Australia in current situation.
3. Gambling and Its Effects in Australia in current situation.
4. Effects of Immigration on The Economy in Australia in current situation.
5. Challenges faced when Starting a Business in Current Conditions in Australian
6. Economic Development and the Role of Currency in Australian in current situation
7. The Benefits of a Mixed Economy in Australian.
8. The Role of Financial Systems in Economic Development in Australian.
9. The Effects of Currency Fluctuations on the Australian Economy in current situation
10. How Purchasing of Local Produce Affects the Australian Economy in current situation
11. The Seasonal Changes in Our Economy and its effects on Australian business.
12. The shift to virtual healthcare in response to Covid-19 in Australia.
13. Impact of Travel Industry on economy in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
14. Or any other topic can be selected by the student with the approval of the Lecturer. It is important for the students to provided clear, concise, and precise information to persuade audience to accept point of view. Important: - Study / learning/ engagement strategies will be followed as discussed below: -
1. Discussion on the Presentation will begin from week 8 in the class session. Students will be providing the topic, and (2), their reason for choosing this topic to the lecturer.
2. In Week 8,9 and 10 discussions will be done on the parameters of the topic selected Students are required to do active participation and engage in the discussion to show equal level of participation.
3. Depending on the enrolment of the student’s verbal presentations might start from week 10 so that all the students are able to finish the presentations by week 11&12.
4. It is very important that all the students should participate professionally and show satisfactory performance standards in discussion.
5. Marks will be provided based on the performance of individual discussion in delivery and the contents of presentation.
Solution: BUS1005 Assessment 3 - Impact of higher inflation rates