ENTR200 - Employment Offer, Opening and Basic Information

Entr 200 Continuous
Employment Offer (C07)
The goal for this assignment is to determine an effective employment offer that is attractive to the potential employee and protects the employer.
Write an offer letter for the position you have interviewed and determined to be the most qualified candidate (you can keep working with the same position you identified earlier in the course). Include 2 sources of research/references. These can be used to support the cost of living (COLA) in the area, something about the area, etc. Submit the written offer as your assignment, in professional format (no ess). Your offer letter should have these 7 items included:
1: Opening and Basic Information
2: Job-Specific Information
3: Benefits Information
4: Paid Leave Information
5: Terms of Employment
6: At-Will Employment
7: Closing

Solution: ENTR200 - Employment Offer, Opening and Basic Information