Bio156 lab 3

Question # 00003797 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 11/20/2013 02:42 PM Due on: 11/27/2013
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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  1. What type of microscope would be used in the laboratory to observe very small objects or organisms on a slide? Please give reasoning behind the answer. Which microscope would be useful when studying the internal structure of a minute specimen? (2 points)
  2. List two jobs where microscopes are used. Describe in what capacity they are used. (2 points)
  3. Why is a special paper used to clean the lenses of a microscope? (1 point)
  4. State the name of each of the tagged parts on the microscope shown above in Step 1 of the Procedures: (11 points)
  5. What type of microscope has primarily been used in this lab? (1 point)
  6. State the function of the following parts of the microscope: (3 points)
    1. Iris diaphragm
    2. Ocular lens
    3. Condenser
  7. State how to determine the following functions of the microscope (2 points)
    1. Diopter
    2. Interpupillary distance
  8. What is the total magnification when using a compound microscope with an objective lens of 10X and an ocular lens of 4X? Show the calculation used to derive the answer. (2 points)
  9. Why are coverslips used to observe specimens under the microscope? (1 point)
  10. Letter "e" exercise:
    1. Describe what happens to a letter "e" when placed under the microscope. How does this compare to its appearance in the newspaper? (2 points)
    2. If the slide is moved to the right with the mechanical stage, what direction does the specimen move while observing it under the microscope? (1 point)
  11. Colored threads exercise:
    1. Under what magnification was the sequence of colors most clearly seen? Propose a reason why this might be. (2 points)
  12. What differences did the student observe in the various tissues/organelles of the stained, prepared slides? (2 points)
  13. Why don't all cells demonstrate the presence of all intracellular structures? (3 points)
  14. Describe what the student sees as some major differences between cells from kingdoms Plantae and Animalia. Propose some reasons why these anatomical differences may exist. (5 points)
  15. (Application) How might the information gained from this lab pertaining to the microscopes be useful to a student employed in a healthcare related profession? (10 points)


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00003605 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 11/20/2013 09:48 PM
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