ACC440 Unit 6 Discussion (dq1+dq2)

Question # 00841066 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/24/2023 12:57 AM Due on: 04/24/2023
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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Unit 6.1 DB: Human Resource Dept Audit (ACC440 Auditing)

You are a staff auditor involved in the audit of the Human Resources Department of a large corporation.  The senior auditor assigns you to review the department budgets and copies of employment contracts.  You request the documents from the head of the Human Resources Department on several occasions.  He consistently promises to get the documents for you, but never seems to get around to it.  He is courteous, but he acts as if the audit is low among his priorities.

How would you handle this situation if you were the staff auditor?

How would you handle this situation if you were the senior auditor?

Unit 6.2 DB: Jane and the Three Staff Auditors (ACC440 Auditing)

Jane Smith is a young staff auditor who has performed quite well and has been promoted to senior auditor and heads a five-person team.  She works for partner John Strong.  The CPA Firm has recently reshuffled personnel because of a retirement.  Three male auditors joined her team from the team whose senior had just retired.  It soon became apparent that these three auditors had worked under “lax” conditions and expected long breaks, extended lunch hours, and no pressure to complete work.  They had poor work habits and low productivity.  They often had a couple of drinks during lunch.  They did enough work to “get by”, but nothing extra.

If you were Jane would you involve John Strong in the resolution?

How would you resolve this matter if you were Jane?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00836527 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/24/2023 12:58 AM
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