What characteristics of sales promotions account for the high levels of expenditures

Question # 00771033 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 07/20/2020 02:17 PM Due on: 07/20/2020
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What characteristics of sales promotions account for the high levels of expenditures that have been allocated to them in recent years?

What is brand proliferation, and why is it occurring? Why do consumer sales promotions become more commonplace in the face of rampant brand proliferation? Why do trade sales promotions become more frequent when there is excessive brand proliferation?

Consumers often rationalize their purchase of a new product with a statement such as, “I bought it because I had a 50-cent coupon and our grocery store was doubling all manufacturers’ coupons this week.” What are the prospects that such a consumer will emerge as a loyal user of the product? What must happen in order for such consumers to become loyal?


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00770450 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 07/20/2020 02:17 PM
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