Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), The unemployment
Question # 00838059
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Updated on: 02/03/2023 02:35 AM Due on: 02/03/2023

- 2–3 page on the automobile industry in which you examine one of the macroeconomic variables below:
- Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
- The unemployment rate.
- The inflation rate.
Write on the automobile industry or a industry that interest you
- Do research on your industry. In a few short paragraphs, describe your selected industry.
- Be sure to write in your own words.
- Identify the goods and/or services the industry provides.
- Identify some of the major companies in this industry.
- Add anything else about the industry that you think is interesting.
- ?Keep track of your sources by copying their Internet addresses (URLs). You can paste these URLs at the end of your paper as your references.
- Select one of three macroeconomic variables (real GDP, the unemployment rate, or the inflation rate) that a businessperson in your chosen industry should monitor, and explain why that variable is important and how it might have an impact on your selected industry.
- Describe in a sentence or two the important movements of the variable in the table and graph.
- Excel tables and graphs are attached for each of the three macroeconomic variables (real GDP, the unemployment rate, and the inflation rate).
- Review the Excel table and graph for the macroeconomic variable that you chose.
- Summarize how you think this industry will perform in the future.
- Be sure to provide support for your prediction of this future industry performance.
- Your report should include a minimum of two references/citations in the text.

Solution: Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), The unemployment