Week 8 - Assess health/illness beliefs, values, attitudes, genetics

Question # 00865794 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/30/2024 09:39 PM Due on: 12/31/2024
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Week 8

Please review the course student learning outcomes (CSLOs):

  1. Assess health/illness beliefs, values, attitudes, genetics, and practices that influence the health of diverse populations.
  2. Integrate evidence-based practices in the promotion of health and quality of life across the lifespan in individuals, families, and populations.
  3. Identify opportunities for interprofessional collaboration to support spiritually and culturally appropriate health promotion and disease prevention interventions.
  4. Analyze protective and predictive factors in individuals, families, and populations.
  5. Integrate communication methods that enhance health literacy.

In your discussion response, choose one course outcome and reflect on how you feel you have achieved the outcome based on the work completed in this course. 

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00861317 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/30/2024 09:39 PM
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