Topic #3 - Relating to Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech

Question # 00856289 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 06/17/2024 04:31 AM Due on: 06/17/2024
Subject Literary Studies Topic General Literary Studies Tutorials:
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Topic #3:  (Relating to Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech).  Delivered at the Illinois State Capitol in 1858 after Lincoln had accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination for U.S. Senator, this is one of his most famous speeches leading up to the Civil War. Although Lincoln lost this 1858 Senate election, many historians believe that this speech had a significant role in his winning the Presidential election in 1860. His position on slavery is clear, and he does not hesitate to explain his reasons with strong, supporting evidence. He is also very clear about his Democratic opponent’s position on slavery (Stephen Douglas). Lincoln draws upon a variety of moral, ethical, and religious beliefs in this speech, including the Biblical quotation from the New Testament about “a house divided.” Discuss the specific evidence that Lincoln uses to make this speech as powerful and persuasive as it is. Also discuss any other aspects of the speech that you choose. 

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