Rough Draft, - Assume the role of a member of a management team

Question # 00844942 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 08/21/2023 07:20 PM Due on: 08/22/2023
Subject Health Care Topic General Health Care Tutorials:
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 assume the role of a member of a management team evaluating the IT infrastructure in place at the recently acquired rural hospitals. 
Specifically focusing on health informatics technology, prepare a rough draft / study guide interview various department heads and other users at two hospitals in order to identify issues and concerns around performance, workflow, technology, and lifespan. The goal is to ensure the two hospitals have the health informatics infrastructure to meet the strategic goals of the organization as it grows.

Determine how to best evaluate various processes associated with specific health information systems.
Analyze appropriate evaluation tools that a health care organization team can use to develop a successful strategic plan.
Assess the importance of ensuring health care technology is included in strategic planning.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00840409 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 08/21/2023 07:21 PM
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