Reflection #6 - Insurance and long-term care

Question # 00846892 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 10/16/2023 04:40 AM Due on: 10/16/2023
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Reflection #6    - Insurance and long-term care

Health care is a complex system that requires in-depth thinking, expertise, and ethical consideration so to encapsulate and further associate the concepts you are learning, in most modules, you will have the opportunity to reflect in-depth on relevant interconnected concepts.

Read pages 460-461 of your textbook to learn more about the challenges of long-term care. Based on what you have learned so far (1) Why is important and challenging to offer insurance for long-term care? (2) What kind of solution you can think of to increase value and/or reduce costs in long-term care? (3) Are there any type of organizations (think ACOs, etc) be able to offer these services at a low cost that would allow insurers to participate in this market?

This activity covers the following module objectives: MO5, MO 6, MO 7, MO 10.

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  1. Tutorial # 00842359 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 10/16/2023 04:40 AM
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