Reflect on your own community and consider the major employers

Question # 00865930 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/04/2025 01:55 AM Due on: 01/04/2025
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Reflect on your own community and consider the major employers, current economic trends (real estate, unemployment, homelessness), and recent business startups or closures.

By Day 4

What variables or issues are impacting the economy in your community? How are these economic issues reflected in the cultural makeup of the people who live in your community, and how do they affect community members’ lives?

I live in a small town in Mississippi, it's pretty busy and it has a lot of warehouses, stores, restaurants, housing, and schools. It is a very urban community and it has a mixture of all race.  

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  1. Tutorial # 00861454 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/04/2025 01:55 AM
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