Political Participation - One of the factors for people not voting

Question # 00847677 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 11/13/2023 08:43 PM Due on: 11/14/2023
Subject Political Science Topic General Political Science Tutorials:
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 Political Participation

One of the factors for people not voting is “not knowing” about the candidates or the issues. As such, creating a game plan to make yourself aware of the issues before an election is a necessary activity. Before reading what others say about this topic, come up with and describe for us your own a game plan or strategy for finding out about candidates and issues so you can become a more educated/knowledgeable voter.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00843142 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 11/13/2023 08:44 PM
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    The solution of  Political Participation - One of the factors for people not voting...
     Political_Participation_-_One_of_the_factors_for_people_not_voting.ZIP (18.96 KB)

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