Payment link for assignment 4 paper

Question # 00780025 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 10/11/2020 03:37 AM Due on: 10/12/2020
Subject Foreign Languages Topic Albanian Tutorials:
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1. ISSC351 week 5 assignment


Assignment 5:


As a computer investigator for your local sheriff's department, you have been asked to go with a detective to a local school that received a bomb threat in an anonymous email. The detective already has information from a subpoena sent to the last known ISP where the anonymous email originated, and the message was sent from a residence in the school's neighborhood. The detective tells you the school principal also stated that the school's Web server has been defaced by an unknown computer attacker. The detective has just obtained a warrant for the search and seizure of a computer at the residence the ISP identified. Prepare a list of what items should be included in an initial-response field kit to ensure the preservation of computer evidence when the warrant is carried out.


2. ISSC331 week 5 assignment



Instructions: Do Exercise 9 or Exercise 10 below, but not both.

Exercise 9: Analysis of the Breach Notification Law Letter


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

You will search for a breach notification case study and review it to analyze the specific laws involved in the specific state and describe the appropriate response to the breach notification letter. You should only consider state laws in preparing the breach notification letter.


Assignment Requirements

Using the library and other available Internet sources, search for an example of an official breach notification letter. Analyze the notification letter. Write a summary of your findings. The summary must include:

  • The specific laws alleged to have been violated in the breach notification letter
  • The roles/responsibilities each department possesses in relation to the breach based on your state-specific data breach policy
  • An appropriate response to the specific breach notification letter to be sent to the victims of the data breach





Exercise 10: Violation of Copyright Privileges


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

The student will be able to review the given case scenario and describe violation of copyright privileges.


Assignment Requirements

This assignment builds upon Discussion 4. In this assignment, you, the original composer and performing artist of a hot new pop song, need to:

1. Describe the specific intellectual property laws that were violated in your case.

2. Propose remedies the law provides for the enlisted violations.


Write a summary of your findings. Prior summarizing, enlist your major findings from the discussion and this assignment in a bullet-point list. Collate all your findings in the summary keeping in mind the evaluation questions on which you will be graded.


3. ISSC331 Week 5 litigation hold notice

Week 5 - Create a Litigation Hold Notice




After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following:

  • Create a Litigation Hold Notice similar to the one provided to you in the handout called “L10.Project.TS1.doc.” 

4. ITMG381 assignment week 1

Privacy is a concept that is rapidly evolving in relation to the most public of mediums, the Internet, which became even more concerning with social networking websites. In a recent California election, one ballot measure, Proposition 8, asked voters a question on same-sex marriage. Donors to the Prop 8 campaign found that their names, addresses, and amount of contribution were mashed up with Google Maps and thus rendered into a format showing the world a map image of donors' names, street addresses, and dollar contributions. All this data is public record information already, but still quite inconvenient to access. What are the side effects of this action?

Do not repeat the proposition in your response.  Address the question "what are the side effects" from a legal viewpoint. What are the IT tools that allowed the reconfiguration of data to expose privacy and do "you" think this should be legal? Why or why not?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00779835 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 10/11/2020 03:37 AM
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