Our team will ensure that all major competitors—local and global

Question # 00740546 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 10/11/2019 03:58 AM Due on: 10/12/2019
Subject Architecture Topic Architectural Visualization Tutorials:
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Our team will ensure that all major competitors—local and global—are covered by the individual team members’ analyses in week 5. Each member will research at least one global competitor and at least one local competitor.   Competitors are assigned as listed below.

Booz allen hamilton local competitor in India is Valency Networks

Booz Allen Hamilton global competitor in China is Worldpay

Please use this template for your individual  competitor analysis report:


  1. Title page

    • states the client organization and product/service, entry country,  the client's products or services and competitors to be evaluated

    • date and your name

  2. Table of contents

    • page numbers for each major section

  3. Executive summary

  • summarizes the results of your analysis and how you arrived at the recommendation
  • belongs on a separate page from the introduction to the paper

     4. Introduction (first page of paper body)

  • states the purpose of the paper

  • explains what the paper will do

  • introduces the entry country, the client's product/services, and the competitors,

     5. Competitor  comparison  


  • Assess each competitor's strengths and weaknesses   

  • Include market share data or estimates for  competitors  in the entry country
  •  Include in your assessment a competitor's ability to mitigate the country level threats you have identified in your team's country recommendation.  Competitors that are more adept at risk mitigation (e.g., via a process or asset advantage) will be more of a competitive threat.  For example in a politically unstable country (threat), a competitor with a wide network of associations (asset) may be better able to weather political change (thus the network is a risk mitigating advantage).
  • Compare Competitor Strengths and Weaknesses to your client's Strengths and Weaknesses. 
  •  Determine the two or three areas in which your client has a competitive advantage relative to competitors.  
  • Explain how the advantage(s) represent a differentiation or cost advantage.  Be sure the data support this determination.

     6.  Recommended competitive strategy for your client.  Explain why you have recommended the  strategy. Will this be effective against all or only some of the competitors?  Will you need a combined strategy or a tiered strategy (implemented over time) in order to compete for the long term?

     7.  Conclusion 

  • one- or two-page summary of the client competitive advantage, recommendation and rationale for the competitive strategy

     8.  Reference

  • APA-style reference page

     9.  Appendices

  • if needed

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