NURS6568 Week 5 Knowledge Check

Test Quiz - Week 5 Knowledge Check
Question 1 Elevating the head of the bed; lowering fat intake; stopping smoking; avoiding chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, peppermint, citrus, coffee, onion, and garlic would help a patient with what GI disorder?
Peptic ulcer
Duodenal ulcer
Cholecystitis esp
Question 2 In acute appendicitis, when palpating the left lower quadrant of the abdomen and it leads to right lower quadrant pain, that is known as the sign.
Question 3 In the United States, hypertension is the leading cause of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
Question 4 What is a common cause of cirrhosis in the United States?
Alcoholic fatty liver disease
Alcoholic steatohepatitis
Bile duct blockage
Question 5 In a patient with chronic cholecystitis, would you expect to see normal lab values for which of the following?
All of the above
White blood
count Amylase
All of the above
Question 6 A patient presents with sudden onset of abdominal pain that is constant, sharp, poorly localized and sometimes radiates to the back. Rebound tenderness is typically absent. This is more likely associated with:
Acute Appendicitis
Acute Cystitis
Acute Pancreatitis
Question 7 If a patient has a persistent proteinuria, what is the next step in testing?
24-hour creatinine clearance and protein
urine culture and sensitivity
CT of abdomen
Question 8 In a patient with chronic cholecystitis, what lab values would you expect to see?
Normal WBC
Abnormal bilirubin
Abnormal amylase
Abnormal Lipase
Question 9 Abdominal pain must be present for an Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) diagnosis.
Question 10 What are the two most common causes of peptic ulcers?
Soda and spicey foods
GERD and stress
Stress and NSAIDS
cip H. pylori and NSAIDS

Solution: NURS6568 Week 5 Knowledge Check