NR565 Week 1 Collaboration Café - Choose a clinical condition

Question # 00865670 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/28/2024 01:17 AM Due on: 12/28/2024
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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CPG Prescribing medication

NR565 Week 1 Collaboration Café

Preparing the Collaboration Café 

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the Collaboration Café. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Include the following sections:

Choose a clinical condition from the list below that is applicable to your practice area or clinical interests. Assess the linked clinical practice guideline (CPG) related to prescribing medications for clients with that condition and respond to the following questions.

List of Conditions:

· HypertensionLinks to an external site.

· Atrial FibrillationLinks to an external site.

· Chronic Coronary DiseaseLinks to an external site.

· Pain:  Non-opioidsLinks to an external site.

· Pain:  OpioidsLinks to an external site.

· OsteoarthritisLinks to an external site.

· Rheumatoid ArthritisLinks to an external site.

· GoutLinks to an external site.

· Type 2 DiabetesLinks to an external site.

· HyperthyroidismLinks to an external site.

· HypothyroidismLinks to an external site.

· AsthmaLinks to an external site.

· COPDLinks to an external site.

· TuberculosisLinks to an external site.

· InfluenzaLinks to an external site.

· COVIDLinks to an external site.

· GERDLinks to an external site.

· PUDLinks to an external site.

· ConstipationLinks to an external site.

· Infectious DiarrheaLinks to an external site.

I. Application?of?Course?Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.

1. Briefly summarize the condition you selected and your rationale for selecting it.

2. Describe the prescribing recommendations from the CPG and how these could impact pediatric, pregnant, and older adult populations considering pharmacokinetic principles.

3. Discuss how you could apply the clinical guidelines to your future practice.

4. In considering the summary from  this articleLinks to an external site. , review the strengths and weaknesses of the CPG you selected and discuss how the graded evidence may influence your practice as a clinician.

II. NR565_W1 Collaboration Café

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00861193 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/28/2024 01:17 AM
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