nr395 Week 6 Assignment: Hot Topic (Graded) 2020 latest august

Question # 00777006 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 09/13/2020 11:41 PM Due on: 09/15/2020
Subject Architecture Topic Architectural Visualization Tutorials:
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Week 6 Assignment: Hot Topic (Graded)

Re-submit Assignment

  • Due Aug 16 by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a file upload

**Please Note: This Hot Topic Assignment is linked to your Hot Topic Discussion



This assignment prompts you to identify and discuss current trends in professional nursing. You must search the Internet for one "hot topic" that relates to ethics or professional issues in nursing, and describe this according to the rubric below.

Course Outcomes

  • CO 1: Consider the role of the professional nurse in relation to the concepts of integrity and ethical accountability within nursing practice. (PO 4, 6)
  • CO 2: Explore the impact of contemporary health care issues on the role of the professional nurse. (PO 7)

Due Date

Hot Topic is due Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59 p.m. MT.


The Hot Topic assignment is worth 100 points.


  1. Review the types of topics that are covered in this course (i.e., professional, ethical, and legal issues).
  2. Make sure you review the grading criteria in the rubric.
  3. Selection of a Hot Topic:
    • Search the Internet for a current story related to one of the course topics. Topics may be ethical, legal, political, or professional in nature. The story must be no older than 1 year. Do not use wikis, Wikipedia, Facebook, or other social media. Instead, look for stories that may be found in, but not limited to, online news sites, professional organizations' issues pages, or journal editorials.
    • Explain in excellent detail how the topic is related to the course. State the date when the story appeared (no more than 1 year old).
  4. Provide the location of the story on the internet:
    • Identify the name of the site you selected
    • Provide a working URL/web address
  5. Summarize the story in detail:
    • Write two to three well-developed paragraphs that summarize the main points of the story.
    • Determine what nursing issue is reflected in the story and key people involved
    • Share your viewpoint about the story as it relates to nurses and the nursing profession.
  6. Mechanics and organization of good scholarly writing: See rubric for detail.


**Academic Integrity Reminder**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Note: Please use your browser's File setting to save or print this page.


To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the assignment title and then Show Rubric.


NR395: Hot Topic Assignment Rubric

NR395: Hot Topic Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelection

Selects a hot topic on the Internet related to a professional nursing issue.
Explains how the topic is related to the course. States the date when the story appeared (no more than 1 year old).

15.0 pts

Selects a very appropriate hot topic through Internet searching that is related to a professional nursing issue. Explains in excellent detail how the topic is related to the course. States the date when the story appeared (no more than 1 year old).

13.0 pts

Selects a mostly appropriate hot topic through Internet searching that is related to a professional nursing issue. Explains in good detail how the topic is related to the course. States the date when the story appeared (no more than 1 year old).

12.0 pts

Selects a vaguely appropriate hot topic through Internet searching that is related to a professional nursing issue. Explains in fair detail how the topic is related to the course. May or may not provide the date when the story appeared (may or may not be more than 1 year old).

6.0 pts

Selects a topic that may not clearly relate to professional nursing or this course. Does not provide date OR date is significantly older than 1 year.

0.0 pts

Fails to select a topic.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLocation

Provides correct and working location of the story on the Internet.

15.0 pts

Provides the correct name of the website, and a working web address or URL that enables others to visit the site.

13.0 pts

Provides the correct name of the website, and a working web address or URL, but not one that takes the reader directly to the story.

12.0 pts

Provides the correct name of the website, but a broken or indirect URL.

6.0 pts

Provides no name for the website, and a broken or indirect URL.

0.0 pts

Fails to provide name of website and working URL.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary

Summarizes the story including the nursing issue that is addressed, the nurses and other key people involved, and other pertinent information that informs the reader as to what occurred.

50.0 pts

Summarizes the story in excellent detail including the nursing issue that is addressed, the nurses and other key people involved, and other pertinent information that informs the reader as to what occurred.

44.0 pts

Summarizes the story in good detail including the nursing issue that is addressed, most of the key people involved, and some of the other information that informs the reader as to what occurred.

40.0 pts

Summarizes the story in fair detail with omissions in the nursing issue, key people involved, or other information that informs the reader as to what occurred.

19.0 pts

Provides an inadequate, inaccurate, or confusing summary of the issue. Major omissions in the nursing issue, key people involved, AND/or other information.

0.0 pts

Fails to summarize the story.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

Writes the hot topic summary, and commentary, using the mechanics and organization of college writing.

20.0 pts

Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors of the following: well organized and logical, correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, professional wording is used, uses complete sentences, paragraphs are linked together logically, and main ideas expressed clearly.

18.0 pts

Good mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column. A few errors noted.

16.0 pts

Fair mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column. Some errors noted.

8.0 pts

Poor mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column. Many errors noted.

0.0 pts

Very poor mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column such that it is difficult to follow or understand.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0




Aug 16 at 8:47pm

Submission Details

Download Hot topic Paper.doc

Grade: 100 (100 pts possible)

Graded Anonymously: no

 View Rubric Evaluation


Yina - Ethical/legal issues that have arisen due to the COVID pandemic is certainly one that requires a great deal of attention for the safety of nurses and patients! I appreciated the link you shared and will add it to my reading list. Good work on this assignment!

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00776776 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 09/13/2020 11:41 PM
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