Infection Control Breach Analysis

Infection Control Breach Analysis
Infection Prevention Breach Analysis
Purpose: Dental Assistants often take the role of an office safety coordinator. Their responsibilities include evaluation of infection prevention processes within the office. It is important that the office safety coordinator possesses knowledge of common infection prevention breaches and the procedures necessary to prevent these breaches from occurring.
Learning Objectives:
· Describe a mechanism to evaluate the office infection control program.
· Design a program to evaluate infection prevention in the office.
Guidelines: Using the library access or internet search (reputable dental site, CDC, ADA, ADAA,, find a journal article in reference to a particular infection prevention breach or common breaches in infection prevention. Present the article to your instructor for approval. Write a summary of the article explaining the breach, evaluate the instance and describe the actions that led to the breach. After thorough analysis of the breach, create a protocol, check-list, or training in an effort to prevent the breach. The solution should reference applicable guidelines for infection prevention in the dental setting. The paper should be 2-3 pages in length using size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Attach a copy of the article and this rubric to your paper when submitting for a grade.

Solution: Infection Control Breach Analysis