HCS325 Assessment: The Changing Environment of Health Care Worksheet

HCS/325 v12
Summative Assessment: The Changing Environment of Health Care Worksheet
C:\Users\djshirey\OneDrive - University of Phoenix\F_Drive\Style Guides\UPX Logos\Horizontal format\UOPX_Sig_Hor_Black_Medium.pngSummative Assessment: The Changing Environment of Health Care Worksheet
As a manager in health care, it is important that you understand which environmental factors can affect your organization.
Identify 1 health care organization to use for this assignment.
Cite references to support Parts 1 and 2 of this assignment.
Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines. Provide your references in the “References” section.
Part 1: Factor Analysis
Use the “Factor Analysis Table” to provide a 50- to 100-word response, for each row, in which you:
· Identify 10 internal and external factors that affect your selected health care organization in the “Factors (Internal or External)” column.
· Describe the potential impact of each factor on your selected health care organization in the “Potential Impact of Identified Factor on the Organization” column.
· Describe strategies that a manager can take to minimize or control the impact of these factors in the “Strategies to Minimize or Control Factor’s Impact” column.
Factor Analysis Table
Factors (Internal and External)
Potential Impact of Identified Factor on the Organization
Strategies to Minimize or Control Factor’s Impact
Rising unemployment rate in local community (External)
Lack of services requested due to lack of finances available
Staffing less people to account for less patients and offering health packages to give patients savings and encourage them to use services
Enter your response. Enter your response. Enter your response.
Part 2: Suggested Plan
Choose 1 of the factors and 1 of the strategies you identified in the “Factor Analysis Table” in Part 1: Factor Analysis, and.
· Describe how you may use the strategic planning process to implement your chosen strategy to reduce the factor’s impact.
· Include who would be essential to your plan, what resources you may need, and how you would communicate the proposed plan and timeline.
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Solution: HCS325 Assessment: The Changing Environment of Health Care Worksheet